CV Teaching Experience

Studied anatomy and ballet pedagogy with Marika Besobrasova and other leading teachers in Europe under the sponsorship of the Vienna State Opera Ballet School. Continued studies in Vienna of ballet methodology, corrective gymnastics, Pilates and kinesiology.
Joined the staff of the Vienna State Opera Ballet School under the directorship of Professor Michael Birkmeyer as teacher of classical ballet, variations, and repertoire for fifteen years. Taught the eight-year training programme many times and was largely responsible for the repertoire and the performances of the Upper Level.
Evolved a special workshop to acquaint professional dancers and students of ballet and contemporary dance with anatomical and kinaesthetic awareness on an easy understandable basis.
Active as an international guest teacher with invitations to leading classical ballet companies and contemporary and modern dance companies. Conducted master classes and workshops in universities, conservatories, academies, dance foundations, and dance festivals.
Involved in social projects for teaching dance e.g. in the Soweto Township Johannesburg under the auspices of the Ballet Theatre African and the De Anima Company in Rio de Janeiro founded by Richard Cragun with the aim to give ballet classes to children and youth from the favelas.
In 2011, Alexander Pandiscio, candidate for the degree Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology and Anatomy, was awarded a full sponsorship by Rice University, Houston, Texas to study anatomy and ballet pedagogy exclusively with Judith Reyn in Austria.
Guest teacher:

Youth Ballet Companies:
Bundes Jugend Ballett (Federal Youth Ballet) Hamburg Ballet Dir. John Neumeier and Kevin Haigen, Bosl Ballet Stiftung (Youth Ballet Company) Munich, Dir. Ivan Liska, NRW Junior Ballett Dortmund Dir. Xin Peng Wang, Youth Company Joffrey Ballet New York
Dir Era Jouravlev
Ballet companies:
Stuttgart Ballet Company, Leipzig Ballet Company, HET National Ballet, Hamburg Ballet John Neumeier, Düsseldorf Ballet Company, ABT Studio Company
Modern and contemporary companies:
TanzTheaterWien, Homunculus Vienna, ABC Dancecompany, Ballet Theatre Afrikan Johannesburg, Introdans Holland, Preljocaj Company Aix-en-Provence,
DeAnima Company Rio de Janeiro, Cloud Gate Company Taipei
Universities and conservatories:
Nova College Haarlem, Australian Ballet School, Royal Ballet School London, HET Theatre Ballet School Amsterdam, Joffrey Ballet School, Central School of Ballet London, Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, WAAPA Perth, QUT Brisbane, Basel Ballet Theatre School, Taipei National University of Arts, Tainan National University of Arts, Philadelphia University of Fine Arts, Konservatorium Vienna Privatuniversität, Tisch University of Fine Arts New York, Hochschule Frankfurt Germany, Ecole Vocational Ballet and Dance Theatre (Sydney, Australia), Sam Houston University of Arts, Houston Civic College of Arts, Northwest Florida Ballet (pre-professionals), Atlanta Ballet Centre for Dance Education, Birmingham Royal Ballet School etc.
The Henny Jurriens Foundation Amsterdam, Tanzhaus NRW Düsseldorf, Madrid Associatione for Professional Dancers, ImpulsTanz Vienna, Danceforward London etc.